
Mission Statement

Chinese Club aims to create a safe and inclusive environment that empowers those within the student community who are interested in and/or studying Chinese language and culture. We strive to learn about our different backgrounds and stories.


Guest Speakers

To provide members with insight into Chinese culture, Chinese Club invites guest speakers from all fields.


Chinese Club recognizes the importance of playing an active role in giving back to others. By providing community service opportunities, Chinese Club hopes that members will be inspired to always take the time to be of service to others.

Social Events

Social events provide opportunities for members to get to know each other on a more personal level and to network with one another. These socials strive to create a feeling of community within Chinese Club.
  1. Festival Crafts: Chinese culture is rich in festival traditions. Chinese Club strives to bring the spirit of these festivals through craft making.
  2. Boba Tea Socials: Food is an important part of daily life for Chinese people Chinese not only enjoy eating, but believe eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships. We hope to share this value with boba walks to Tai Chi on Taylor Street.
  3. Short Films/Movie Showings: From Kung Fu Panda to The Wandering Earth, UIC Chinese Club hopes to explore and discuss Chinese culture through films.
  4. Tea Time

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