Meet Your Officers

Katharine Gregory {Co-President}

Hi! I'm Katharine and my Chinese name is 永宁欢 (Yong Ning Huan) which means forever peaceful and happy. I am sophomore pursuing a biology major and Chinese minor with aspirations of becoming a dentist. I have studied Chinese language on-and-off since I was 5, but my speaking abilities in Chinese is not as strong as my written and reading abilities, so I wanted to create a club that will allow students to come together and keep the language of Chinese alive even if it's the exchange of one word. China has a rich history that I hope we as a club can have fun exploring through social, volunteering and craft events. When I'm not studying I am found working as a pediatric and orthodontic dental assistant, exploring different cafes with friends (shameless plug that Two Shades is my favorite), attending drop-in ballet classes at Joffrey Ballet and cooking with my roommates. I look forward to serving as your president and to carry out the mission of this organization together!

Monica Padilla {Co-President}

Grace Creapo {Vice-President}

Anna Elsen {Treasurer}

Hannah Liu {Secretary}

Erin Slaten {Graphic Designer}

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